西藏无论是解放前还是开放后,总给人无法超越的神秘之感。在宗教氛围浓郁的土地上,喇嘛转动法轮,女孩行走在阳光明媚的街巷。而在这诗情画意的背后,人民解放军如何和平解放了西藏?藏民朴实的笑容背后隐藏了怎样的故事?这些疑问更增添了人们隐而不宣的探史渴望。 1951年西藏解放的时候,一小撮分裂分子在美国中情局(CIA)的支持下,发起了一场反抗毛泽东的旷日持久之战。20年中,一支秘密培训起来的特务训练营,用仅有的武装威胁着世界上最强的陆军——中国人民解放军。
Whether in Tibet before or after its liberation, it always gives people a sense of mystery that can not be surpassed. On the rich religious land, the lama turns Falun, and the girls walk in the sunny streets and lanes. However, behind this poetic and sentimental plot, how has the People’s Liberation Army liberated Tibet peacefully? What kind of stories are hidden behind the plain smile of Tibetans? These questions add to the inexplicable desire to explore history. When Tibet was liberated in 1951, a handful of separatists launched a protracted war against Mao Tse-tung with the support of the CIA. In 20 years, a secret training squad training camp, with the only armed threat to the world’s strongest army - the Chinese People’s Liberation Army.