受应试教育影响 ,长期以来 ,我们的古典诗词教学过分注重学生的解题能力。教师在教授时往往忽视了古典诗词本身的特点 ,按时代背景、思想感情、表现手法等将诗词分解得支离破碎。古典诗词的美感丧失了 ,意蕴不见了 ,一节课下来 ,学生体会到的不是优美的景、真挚的情、深邃的意?
Due to the influence of exam-oriented education, our classical poetry teaching has long focused on students’ ability to solve problems. Teachers tend to ignore the characteristics of classical poetry when they are teaching. According to the background of the times, thoughts and feelings, and performance techniques, the poetry is broken down. The beauty of classical poetry has been lost and the meaning has disappeared. After a lesson, what the students experience is not a beautiful scene, a true feeling, a profound meaning?