一、总平面设计 人民路菜场靠近无锡市中心(图1、2)。解放前后,这里一直是市民游憩活动的场所,小吃、菜店较多。在设计人民路菜场时,考虑节约用地、便于管理和使用,采取了化零为整的手法,将分散的菜场合并在一个建筑中,设计成多层菜场。菜场四周道路贯通,水产、肉类、蔬菜货运线路分明,为人流集散和货运提供了方便条件。 二、平面设计 菜场主体全长58米、宽22米,
First, the total plane design Renmin Road, near the center of Wuxi (Figure 1,2). Before and after liberation, it has been a place for people to enjoy recreational activities. There are more snacks and food shops. In the design of the Renmin Road vegetable farm, considering the use of land, management, and use, a zero-based approach was adopted, and the scattered cuisine was designed into a multi-layer vegetable farm in a single building. The roads around the vegetable farms are connected, and the shipping lines for aquatic products, meat and vegetables are clearly separated, which provides convenient conditions for the collection, distribution and transportation of people. Second, the graphic design The main field of the farm is 58 meters long and 22 meters wide.