在三诺推出 iFi-331后,2.1+1的概念通过其独到的解释慢慢开始被市场接受。而 iFi-331公爵版是一款源于 iFi-331的新产品。iFi-331非公爵版颜色为白色调为主,而公爵版则参用了金属银灰色为主色调。从漆面工艺来看比白色稍精致。而从使用的角度以及市场需求来看,更多的用户更喜欢黑色、灰色的产品来与 PC 甚至家电搭配,不知道大家是否这么认为呢?iFi-331公爵版同样拥有操作方便的遥控,使用了 Philips TDA8947J 功放芯
After the launch of iNo-331 in Sannuo, the concept of 2.1 + 1 has slowly begun to be accepted by the market through its unique interpretation. The iFi-331 Duke Edition is a new product from the iFi-331. iFi-331 non-Duke version of the white tone-based, while the Duke version is a reference to the main metal-gray color tone. From the paint process slightly more refined than white. From the point of view of use and market demand, more users prefer black, gray products to match with the PC or even home appliances do not know if you think so? IFi-331 Duke also has easy-to-use remote control, use Philips TDA8947J amplifier core