本文介绍了一种新的分离润滑脂中磨粒的方法 ,并对利用分析式铁谱仪和旋转式铁谱仪所制得的谱片进行了比较 ,指出二者相结合起来的方法是最有效的分析方法 ,介绍了它们的操作步骤 ,并通过对大型滚动轴承润滑脂的铁谱分析证明了该方法的有效性
In this paper, a new method for separating abrasive grains in grease is introduced, and the comparison between the spectra obtained by the analytical iron spectrometer and the rotary iron spectrometer is made. It is pointed out that the combination of the two methods is the most Effective analysis methods, introduced their operation steps, and proved the effectiveness of the method through the iron spectrum analysis of the large rolling bearing grease