
来源 :山西老年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lindan1982
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1949年4月,我在担任平遥县武装部作战科长期间奉命南下,随晋中南下工作团三大队赴湖南工作。这年10月8日衡阳解放,我被分配到衡阳一区任武装部部长,1950年9月任副区长,1952年调至九区任区长。记得我们南下工作刚刚进入衡阳时,情况十分复杂。由于湖南是和平解放,到处有国民党散兵出没,还有当地土匪也多,我所在的一区是一个有11万人口的大区,工作任务十分繁重:既要征粮征草,支援大军南下,又要收缴散兵和土匪的武器,保护百姓安全,还要建立乡村组织,宣传我党的方针政策,尽快稳定社会治安。任务如此重大,而区委除了书记、区长、武装部长三人外,只有干部八人。在当时情况下,我们便暂时利用被接收的原伪职人员中表现较好的征粮征草,区里干部的主要任务是收缴武器,打击土匪,安定民心,联系配合地下党组织开展工作。紧张工作了一月许,四野部队给我们派来了一个排的骑兵,为我们增添了力量。依靠这支力量,我们采取了两手抓的办法,一手抓减租减息,发动群众建立自己的政权;一手抓镇压土匪头子和反动顽固的原乡、保长。 In April 1949, when I was in charge of the combat unit of the Armed Forces in Pingyao County, I was ordered to go south and work in Hunan along with the third brigade of the Jinzhongnan Working Group. Hengyang liberation on October 8 this year, I was assigned to the armed forces in Hengyang District Minister, in 1950 September as deputy mayor, 1952 transferred to nine district governor. I remember when we came to work in Hengyang just south, the situation is very complicated. Because of the peaceful liberation of Hunan, there are Kuomintang scattered troops and hawks everywhere. There are also many local bandits. My district is a large area with a population of 110,000. The task is very heavy. It is necessary to collect grain and plant grass and support the army southward But also to seize the weapons of the fighters and bandits, protect the safety of the people, establish rural organizations, propagandize the principles and policies of our party and stabilize public order as soon as possible. The task is so significant that the district committee has only eight cadres except for three members: secretary, mayor and armed minister. Under the circumstances, we temporarily used the better-performing requisitioned grain requisitioned from among the former pseudo-staffs who were received. The main tasks of cadres in the area are to collect weapons, combat bandits, stabilize the people’s livelihood and work in cooperation with the underground party organizations. Tension for a month Xu, Siye force sent us a platoon of cavalry, added strength for us. With this force, we have taken a two-handed approach: paying less for rent and reducing interest rates and mobilizing the masses to establish our own political power; and we must seize the opportunity to suppress the chieftains of the bandits and the stubborn realm of reactionary stubbornness and protect the elite.
在中关村这片高科技领地,提起启明星辰信息技术股份有限公司掌门人严望佳,几乎无人不晓。人们喜欢这样评价她:“这可是个奇女子!”  有媒体记者这样报道:在信息网络安全这个“男性化”的领域,很难再找出像严望佳这样一位女CEO。  作为国内网络安全领导厂商的首席执行官,她领导着的“启明星辰”拥有近百项自主知识产权,构筑着我国民族信息安全最坚固的防线。    回国创业,做信息安全最早的布道者    1986
今天我们知道了什么?我们知道,行政命令体制造成的一些变形有时把经济推上耗费的道路。我们正在摧毁这种体制,更加充分地实现“各尽所能、按劳分配”原则,而不是“按 What