
来源 :贵州民族研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nimakule119
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一般认为,清代雍正、乾隆年间,清政府为加强对少数民族地区的控制过程,在西南、西北新开区域、民族聚居、政区交界地带广泛推行厅制。“新疆六厅”常被作为清代在改土归流地区设厅的典型。这一典型看似事实清楚,但其建置沿革却存在颇多争议。因此,文章以雍正年间清王朝开辟贵州东南部苗疆地区后,添设知府的佐贰官员同知、通判专驻管理,到乾隆年间始以“厅”为名出现在府、厅、州、县的地方行政区划层级叙述中,揭示知府佐贰官员办事机构“厅”向政区厅的转变,凸显王朝国家在民族地区的施政实态。 It is generally believed that during the reigns of the Yongzheng and Qianlong periods in the Qing Dynasty, in order to strengthen the control over ethnic minority areas, the Qing government extensively implemented the system of hall control in the areas newly opened to the southwest and the northwest, ethnic minorities and political regions. “Six Halls in Xinjiang ” is often used as a typical hall in the Qing Dynasty in the land reform. This typical seemingly clear fact, but there are still many disputes over its history. Therefore, after the Qing Dynasty opened the Miaojiang region in southeastern part of Guizhou Province during the Yongzheng reign, the article added two prefectural officials and two magistrates to the magistrate’s office in the prefecture and hall , Prefectures and counties to reveal the transformation of the office of government officials from the governor to the government office and hall and to highlight the actual state of governance of the dynastic countries in the ethnic areas.
乙型脑炎病毒(Japanese encephalitis virus,JEV)及其同血清群病毒在复制过程中存在核糖体-1移码表达NS1’蛋白的现象,但NS1’蛋白的功能目前仍不明确,核糖体移码在病毒复制
二价钴氨络合物在同时脱硫脱硝过程中易被氧化而失去脱硝能力,而活性炭本身直接催化还原三价钴氨络合物的效率较低。本文通过采用KOH、 NaOH固体混合改性和K2S208溶液浸泡改