今年 ,我已经90岁了。回顾这90年 ,特别是学生时代以来 ,我所走过的道路 ,真可谓感慨万千。我从一名商人的孩子成长为一名中国科学院院士 ,这其中的经验或许对青年朋友有一定的参考价值。第一 ,要有扎实的基础知识及较好的外语水平 ,这是工作取得成功的基本保证。在国外大?
This year, I am 90 years old. Looking back over these 90 years, especially since the student days, I have come a long way with emotion. I grew up from a businessman’s child to an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and this experience may have some reference value to young friends. First, we must have a solid foundation of knowledge and a good level of foreign language, which is the basic guarantee for the success of our work. In foreign countries?