本文通过对粘土、亚粘土、软土、砂类土等土层的野外实验以及对黄土的室内实验证明:1.匀质土的弹性波传播速度不是一个常量,而是深度的函数。2.泊松系数也不是常量,它随深度增加而增大。3.不同深度处单元体所受的侧向压应力和垂直压应力之比亦不是常量,随着深度的增加,侧向压应力逐渐接近于垂直压应力。4.在足够深处,土体的相对体积形变逐渐趋近于常量。 文中介绍了上述几种土层的实验结果,并从理论上对该现象进行了分析。
In this paper, field experiments on clay, sub-clay, soft soil, sandy soil and other soil layers and indoor experiments on loess have proved that: 1. The elastic wave propagation speed of a homogeneous soil is not a constant, but a function of depth. 2. The Poisson coefficient is also not a constant, it increases with depth. 3. The ratio of the lateral compressive stress and the vertical compressive stress of the cell body at different depths is also not constant. As the depth increases, the lateral compressive stress gradually approaches the vertical compressive stress. 4. In deep enough, the relative volumetric deformation of the soil gradually approached constant. In this paper, the experimental results of the above soil layers are introduced, and the phenomenon is analyzed theoretically.