目前,生产中常采用窖藏方法贮藏洋芋种薯。由于洋芋种薯的块茎具有水分大、可溶性物质多、皮薄肉嫩、容易破损等特点,若窖藏过程中温、湿度把握不严格,极易造成烂窖。为搞好洋芋种薯的窖藏,实际操作中应注意掌握好以下几个要点: 1 适时收获。洋芋正常的生理成熟标志是:大部茎
At present, the production method is often used to store potato seed potato storage. Because potato tuber tuber has a large water, soluble substances, thin and tender meat, easy to damage and other characteristics, if the cellaring process temperature and humidity control is not rigorous, can easily lead to bad cellar. In order to improve the storage of potato seed potatoes, the actual operation should pay attention to grasp the following points: 1 timely harvest. Potato physiological signs of normal maturity is: most of the stems