The total dietary research method was applied to analyze the diet composition and the effects of 16 nutrients (carbohydrate, protein, fat, retinol, thiamine, riboflavin, ascorbate, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, Sodium, copper, manganese, diamond) were studied. The results showed that the consumption of animal food by urban residents was generally higher than that of rural areas, of which the consumption of meat represented by pork still accounted for 61.9% and 87.6% of the total consumption of animal food by urban and rural residents respectively. Composition is still dominated by cereals such as cereals and vegetables; the city average and most urban food consumption levels have exceeded or approached the recommended dietary targets in 2000, but the gap between rural areas and the larger target. The city’s average and sub-urban and rural areas respectively reached 106.9%, 102.1% and 111.8% of the RDA respectively; the proteins reached 96.7%, 104.7% and 91.2% of RDA respectively; The intakes of copper, manganese, cobalt and sodium are more abundant, and have reached the ESADDI proposed by China’s RDA and WHO separately. However, there are also the average and sub-urban retinal equivalents, thiamine, riboflavin, ascorbate, calcium, Inadequate intake of zinc and potassium and urban fat intake is too high, poor quality of rural protein, etc. worthy of attention. Compared with the results of previous studies, residents’ nutritional improvement is not obvious.