在火灾中如何自救逃生呢? 首先,起火后不要惊慌,要保持镇静。火灾发生时,由于浓烟刺激,会使人的视力下降、呼吸困难而产生情绪上的不安,加上由于不了解情况和不明疏散方向,停电、异臭味及物件掉落、疏散路径被烟火隔断、安全出口上锁、疏散通道有障碍物阻碍疏散行动等,以及因被困者互相挤撞、出现大声呼喊、悲呜号叫等非理智行为时,则会进一步加剧人们的不安情绪,往往会使人失去理性判断和思考,无法判断疏散方向或想不起通
In the fire how to escape? First, do not be alarmed after the fire, to remain calm. In the event of a fire, due to heavy smoke, people’s visual acuity is reduced, and their breathing problems are difficult. As a result, emotional evils are caused by ignorance of the unknown evacuation direction, blackouts, unusual odors and objects falling. Partitions, exit locks, evacuation routes obstructions evacuation operations, as well as the trapped people crowded into each other, there shout loudly, grieved called non-rational behavior, it will further aggravate the people’s feelings of insecurity, often Make people lose their rational judgment and thinking, can not judge the evacuation direction or can not recall