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虎刺梅为大戟科植物(Euphorbiaceae),原产马选加斯加岛,怕寒,耐高温,喜阳光。阳光充足则苞色鲜艳,干旱时叶子脱落,土壤湿度不宜太大,否则易烂根死亡。周年开花,但以夏秋为甚。原种花色有红、白二种,现经人工杂交育种,新品花色日多,花朵大而艳,更具观赏价值。繁殖可用扦插法,以冬春进行为好。取生长充实的健壮茎段,剪成8~10厘米长作插穗,先放荫凉处,待乳汁凝固一天后即可插入砂壤 Tiger thorn plum Euphorbiaceae plants (Euphorbiaceae), the native horse election Island, afraid of cold, high temperature, like the sun. Sunshine bract is bright, dry leaves fall off, soil moisture should not be too large, otherwise easy to rotten root death. Anniversary flowers, but in summer and autumn is even more. The original species are red and white two kinds, are now by artificial breeding, new color day more, large and beautiful flowers, more ornamental value. Propagation of cuttings available to the winter and spring as well. Take full and robust growth of stems, cut into 8 ~ 10 cm long cuttings, the first shade shade, milk coagulation to be a day after the sand can be inserted
  AFLP(amplified fragment length polymorphism)标记技术主要包括模板制备、酶切连接、预扩增与选择性扩增、凝胶电泳及银染等,过程较繁琐,技术难度较大,因此试验条件的优化
  涮辣(Capsicum frutescens L.var.shuanlaense)是云南特有的辣椒资源,辣椒素含量极高(1.96%).辣椒素只在辣椒属植物中合成和积累,研究其辣椒素的形成机制,对提高辣椒素产量具