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朋友下岗后,在小区卖盒饭,他说要玩点商业文化,其手段便是先花一笔钱,印制几百张粉红色的广告信,门缝里塞,楼道内贴,将整个小区撒了个遍。我说你这般张牙舞爪的,岂不惹居民厌烦,能不能默默炒作呀?这本是一句戏言,说过了再细细品味,便觉得怪有意思。 After the friend was laid off and sold lunch in the community, he said he wanted to play with the business culture. The means was to spend a fortune first, print hundreds of pink advertising letters, sew in the door, paste in the corridor, and spread the entire community. Scattered. I said that you are so prone to slap your teeth, can you not irritate the residents, can you silently hype it? This is a joke, said that after savoring, I found it interesting.
每年的春季渔具展销会都是渔具厂商期待的盛会,同时它又是渔具市场的风向标,是产品出新的舞台,更是钓友交流的平台。 The annual spring fishing gear fair is an event tha
近日,国家发改委发出紧急通知,要妥善处理暴雨洪涝灾害后物价上涨对群众,特别是低收入群体生活造成的影响。已建立价格调节基金的地区,要积极动用价格调节基金,对受灾群众和低收入群体进行适当补贴;没有建立价格调节基金的地区,也要积极向当地党委和政府汇报,通过提高社会保障标准、发放临时补贴等多种形式,妥善安排好低收入群众生活。   通知要求,受灾地区要采取补贴、收费减免、价格调节基金扶持等多种优惠措施,支持
The secrets of sleep were a mystery for centuries simply because there was neither the means to explore them,nor the need.Only when candles gave way to gasligh
一、INTRODUCTION选文简介: 《启迪之声》(The Guiding Voice)与上期《迷失森林》(Lost in the Forest)一样,节选自美国作家迈克尔·多里斯(Michael Dorris)的小说《客人》(
从一开始,杰克就明确了对猫的看法:猫最适合做成一道菜盛在盘子里,再配上炸土豆条! 杰克是我们家养的狗,是条体格高大、盛气凌人的公狗,有着博德牧羊犬、纽芬兰拾磺和一点儿
Love hurts when you break up with someone. It hurts even more whensomeone breaks up with vdu. But love hurts the most when the person you love has no ideahow y
L ife 15 a ehallenge…L ife 15 a giftLife 15 a.n adventureLife云5 a sorrowLife 15 tragedyLife 15 a dutyL ife 15 gameL ife 15七一mysteryLife 15王‘songLife 15笼