利用ISSR技术对“全红”瓯江彩鲤(Cyprinus car pio var. color)4个世代群体的遗传结构及其分化进行了分析。筛选的15个ISSR引物从4个世代群体中分别扩增到120、118、101和110条扩增谱带,全部扩增片段长度在200—2500bp之间。根据扩增结果,利用POPGENE version 1.31进行分析,结果表明:4个群体的多态位点比例(P)为51.49%—67.80%,Shannon信息指数(Ho)为0.2176—0.2745之间,并随着世代的增加,选育群体的遗传多样性呈现下降趋势。有70%的遗传变异来自于群体内;结合遗传分化指数Gst、UPGMA聚类分析,证实“全红”瓯江彩鲤4个世代间存在一定程度的遗传分化,即任意两个群体间的遗传分化达到较大的水平(Gst均为0.1588—0.2766)。
The genetic structure and differentiation of four “Cyprinus carpio var. Color” populations were analyzed by ISSR technique. Fifteen ISSR primers were screened to amplify 120, 118, 101 and 110 bands respectively from 4 generations, and all the amplified fragments were between 200-2500 bp in length. According to the results of the amplification, POPGENE version 1.31 was used to analyze the results. The results showed that the percentage of polymorphic loci (P) of the four populations was 51.49% -67.80% and Shannon’s information index (Ho) was 0.2176-0.2745. With the increase of generations, the genetic diversity of breeding groups shows a downward trend. 70% of the genetic variation came from the population. Based on the genetic differentiation index Gst and UPGMA cluster analysis, it was confirmed that there was a certain degree of genetic differentiation among the four generations of Oujiang Cairina, that is, the inheritance between any two populations Differentiation reached a larger level (Gst 0.1588-0.2766).