
来源 :河南水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:banban0802
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加强财务管理,制止奢侈浪费是促进党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争的主要内容,是巩固和发展水利行业政治稳定、经济增长的重大举措,也是规范单位和个人行为,促进廉政勤政的政治保障。1998年初以来,内乡县水利局结合系统实际,对公款吃喝招待、公款配备使用通信工具、公用车辆管理使用、严禁公费旅游、控制公费出差和上报成果费用及福 Strengthening financial management and stopping extravagance and waste are the main contents of promoting the party’s work style and building an honest and clean government and the fight against corruption. It is also a major move to consolidate and develop political stability and economic growth in the water conservancy sector. It is also a political guarantee for standardizing the behavior of units and individuals and promoting the diligence and administration of honest and clean government . Since early 1998, Neixiang County Water Conservancy Bureau combined with the actual system, eating and drinking on public funds entertainment, public funds equipped with the use of communication tools, public vehicle management use, non-official travel, control of business trips and reporting the results of cost and benefits
本文在剖析“国退民进”改制与委托代理关系调整的基础上 ,分析了“国退民进”后 ,企业相关委托代理关系仍然存在着体制性缺陷和自然性缺陷等障碍 ,并进一步提出了解决问题的
通过对新安江水电站增容改造的 9号机组的主轴结构及其焊接工艺研究 ,设计了合理的焊接坡口 ,制定了可行的工艺方案。通过实施该工艺 ,主轴焊接一次成功 ,为以后同类结构的大
世贸组织1994年《补贴与反补贴协议》是一个很好的法律文件。它将补贴分为禁止性补贴、可申诉补贴和不可申诉补贴三种。本文对这个文件规定的补贴与损害进行辨析。 The 1994
The Tianchi volcano in the Changbai Mountains is located on the boundary between China and North Korea. There are many times of eruptions of the Tianchi volcano
This paper aims to explore whether paleo-suture zone exists in the pre-Cenozoic basement of South China Sea (SCS). By taking advantage of integrated geophysical