有一位多年从事基层文秘工作的朋友曾对我感慨道:“做(?)容易,写短文章难。”果真如此吗?起初,我很是不解,在秘书岗位上默默耕耘十多个春秋之后才渐有所悟,并深得此“长短”之“三昧”。此处的长文章当是那些被任意拉长的短文章。 其一,从技巧上说,把文章拉长可以靠东拼西凑;实在文思枯竭、劳神费力,尚可照搬照抄即所谓“旁引博征”。自古就有“秘书,秘书,闭门抄书”的说教嘛。即使抄袭痕迹明显,引起行家觉察,但应了公文千篇一律的属性,也可大摇大摆、堂而皇之地混迹过去。相反,短文章货真价实,无权可乘,全凭秘书的功底和水平来提炼、概括。若没有全局在胸和实实在在的真功夫,岂不望“短”兴叹? 其二,从篇幅上说,拉长的文章最大的特征是篇幅冗赘,写起来可以瞒天过海、洋洋洒洒,一任典故传说,数据指标、格言警句、艳丽辞藻充斥其间。(?)
A friend who has worked in grassroots secretarial work for many years once sighed with me: “It’s easy to do (?) And hard to write a short essay.” Was this really true? At first, I was very puzzled. I silently worked more than a dozen of spring and autumn Only gradually became aware of, and won the “length” of “Samadhi.” The long articles here are short articles that are arbitrarily stretched. First, from a technical point of view, the article can be lengthened by patchwork; in fact, Wensui dried up, troublesome, still can copy copy the so-called “cited cited Bo.” Since ancient times there are “secretaries, secretaries, closed doors copied” preaching Well. Even if traces of plagiarism are obvious, it is caused by experts’ perceptions. However, due to the monotony of the official documents, they can also be swaggered and demurely used in the past. On the contrary, the short essay is authentic and has no right to take advantage of. It is entirely based on the skills and level of the secretary. Second, from the length of the article, the biggest feature of the elongated article is lengthy, can be written to cover up, eloquent, an alibi. Legend, data indicators, aphorism, vivid rhetoric over the meantime. (?)