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陕西省建材局所属各企事业单位,紧密结合行业实际,深入开展为振兴建材工业而树立崇高的责任感、荣誉惑、自豪感的三感教育,收到了明显的效果。我们的做法是: 一、开办政治学校,实行脱产轮训,下大力提高青工的政治素质。我局直属企业职工中青年工人占70%多。这些青工思想活跃,好学上进,但一部分人缺乏理想,纪律观念淡薄,有的不安心建材行业。政治学校从青工的实际出发,进行正面教育,系统灌输和疏导。现已开办两期,今年年底可全部轮训一遍。通过轮训,青工的政治素质有了明显的提高.青工中违纪事件少了,好人好事多了;要求调离的少了,安心建材行业的多了,混日子的少了,政治上要求进步的多了。今年年初,不少地方闹学潮,对职工队伍有一定影响,但建材行业职工队伍情绪稳定,生产秩序井然,保证了生产任务的完成。二、进行企业精神教育。企业精神可以唤起职工发扬优良传统,增强职工热爱企业,安心本职工作,可以激发职 The enterprises and institutions under the Shaanxi Provincial Building Materials Bureau closely cooperated with the actual conditions of the industry, and carried out in-depth development of a sense of responsibility, honors, and pride for the revitalization of the building materials industry. They have received noticeable results. Our approach is: First, set up a political school, implement a round of training, and vigorously improve the political quality of young workers. The number of young and middle-aged workers in the enterprises directly under the Bureau accounted for more than 70%. These young workers are active in thought and study hard, but some people lack ideals, weak disciplinary concepts, and some are not comfortable with the building materials industry. From the reality of young workers, political schools conduct positive education, systematically instilling and channeling. Two phases have now been set up and all rounds of training can be repeated at the end of this year. Through the rotation training, Qinggong’s political quality has been significantly improved. There are fewer violations of discipline in the young workers, and good people are much more rewarding; less demanding transfers, more peace of mind in the building materials industry, and fewer days spent in politics, political requirements More progress. At the beginning of this year, the tide of schooling in many places had a certain influence on the workforce. However, the sentiment of the employees in the building materials industry was stable and production was in order, ensuring the completion of production tasks. Second, conduct enterprise spirit education. The spirit of enterprise can arouse the employees to carry forward the fine traditions, enhance the employees’ love for the enterprise, and feel relieved of their own work, which can excite the staff.
云南省彝良县人武部把学习贯彻十五大精神与认清形势,坚定信念结合起来,收到了良好效果。 学习中,他们以江泽民的报告为重点,联系实际,从思想认识入手,做到了“六个认清”、