笔者用柴胡疏肝散治疗多种疾病,效果满意,现举治验2例如下。一、咳嗽(慢性支气管炎) 王某,女,75岁,于1988年4月入院。咳嗽反复发作30余年,常在冬春季发作,近半月来呈阵发性痉挛性干咳,经用咳必清、青霉素效果不佳。入院时诊见:阵发性干咳,咳甚时面红泪下,胁肋作痛,自觉低热,心烦,口干少饮,食不知味,舌质红,苔少微黄,脉细弦。证属久咳伤阴,脾不健运,肺失润养所致。拟益气养阴,解痉截咳法。
The author used Chaihu Shugan Powder to treat various diseases with satisfactory results. First, cough (chronic bronchitis) Wang, female, 75 years old, was admitted to hospital in April 1988. Cough recurrence of more than 30 years, often in the winter and spring attack, in the past half months showed intermittent sputum dry cough, the use of cough clear, poor penicillin effect. When I was admitted to the hospital, I saw: paroxysmal dry cough, coughing, red face, tears, flank pain, conscious low-grade fever, upset, dry mouth, lack of drinking, food, unaware of taste, red tongue, slightly yellow coating, and thin pulse string. The card is a long-lived cough and yin, spleen is not healthy, and the lungs are inactive. It is proposed to replenishing qi and nourishing yin.