我国即将“入世” ,但许多企业和科研院所并未做好准备。例如 ,不少主管企业标准化的领导从未学过关税与贸易总协定 (GATT)、关于建立世界贸易组织的协定 (WTO协定 )和贸易技术壁垒协议 (TBT)等有关文件。而且由于我国“入世”一拖再拖 ,学习WTO有关知识的热情远
My country is about to enter the WTO, but many enterprises and research institutes are not ready. For example, many leaders in charge of corporate standardization have never learned about the GATT, the agreements on the establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the TBTs. Moreover, as China’s “accession to the WTO” has been delayed, the enthusiasm for studying the WTO’s knowledge has been far away