
来源 :临床与实验病理学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuxiaotiancxks
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1临床资料患者男性,20岁,因头痛头晕1月余,伴视力下降入院。MRI示右大脑半球额颞深部及岛叶丘脑有一较大肿块,内有分隔,伴多个小囊腔形成,边缘区可环形增强,诊断为右颞胶质瘤。术中见肿瘤范围较大,几乎累及整个额颞叶,质嫩胶冻状,有囊腔形成,边界欠清,... 1 clinical data Male patients, 20 years old, dizziness due to headache more than 1 month, with decreased visual acuity admission. MRI showed a large mass in the frontotemporal deep and the islet thalamus in the right hemisphere. There was separation in the right hemisphere of the right hemisphere with formation of multiple small cysts. The marginal zone was ring-shaped and diagnosed as right temporal glioma. See a larger area of ​​the tumor during surgery, almost involving the entire frontotemporal lobe, tender jelly-like shape, cystic cavity formation, the border is not clear, ...
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