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按语:委任状在中国法律发展史中,虽不属于法的范畴,但它是一种非规范性的法律文件。由于少数民族地区历史文献相对缺失,这种遗存的档案即尤为可贵。广西南丹自宋开宝初年内附,获朝廷颁赐牌印。光绪十一年(1905年)南丹最后一位土官莫泌逝世,因无子嗣,南丹莫氏900余年的土司历史宣告结束。南丹莫氏成为广西历时最长的土司。民国初年南丹改土归流,设南丹县。1991年,南丹县罗富乡尨腊村莫氏族人将其祖传的清 Key words: Appointment in the history of the development of Chinese law, although not within the scope of law, but it is a non-normative legal documents. Due to the relative absence of historical documents in ethnic minority areas, the remains of archives are particularly valuable. Guangxi Nandan since the early opening of Song Kai Po attached, awarded by the court licensing. Eleven years of Guangxu (1905) The last native of Nantan died in 1909. Because no children were born, the history of more than 900 years of T’u-ssu was declared over. Nandin Mushi became the longest toast in Guangxi. In the early Republican Nandan reform, set Nandan County. In 1991, Nandan County, Luo Fu Township Lang Village Mo clan tribe will clear their ancestors