链激酶及尿激酶均为纤维蛋白溶解的激活物。已有报道证实链激酶治疗复杂性胸腔积液(Complicatedpleural effusions,CPE)和脓胸(Pleural empyemas,PE)是安全有效的,而尿激酶却少有论及。作者前瞻性研究尿激酶胸腔内注射治疗单管胸腔闭式引流失败的CPE和PE,探讨其疗效和安全性。
Streptokinase and urokinase are fibrinolytic activators. It has been reported that streptokinase is safe and effective for the treatment of complex pleural effusions (CPE) and pleural empyemas (PE), while urokinase is rare. The prospective study of urokinase intrathoracic injection of single-tube thoracic closure of failed drainage of CPE and PE, to explore the efficacy and safety.