《诗经·国风》婚恋诗中“水”的意象 ,除了是一种自然景物的描写外 ,还和婚姻、情爱、生殖、阻隔等更多方面的内容联系在一起。通过对这些内容的分类整理 ,可以看出《诗经》中的“水”后面隐含着更为复杂的象征语义。她既意味着孕育生命之源 ,又是代表男女两性之爱的符号 ,同时更象征着情爱的禁忌物———礼。这些隐含语义是由上古的神话传说、原始部落的图腾信仰、奴隶制国家的风俗与礼制 ,经过漫长的历史时期逐渐积淀而形成的
In addition to being a description of natural scenery, the image of “water” in the love poems in The Book of Songs · Guofeng also links with more aspects such as marriage, love, reproduction and obstruction. Through the classification of these contents, we can see that the “water” in The Book of Songs implies more complex symbolic semantics. She means not only giving birth to the source of life, but also the symbol of love for both men and women, at the same time more symbolizing love as a taboo - etiquette. These implicit semantics are formed by ancient myths and legends, the primitive tribal totem beliefs, the customs and ceremonies of slavery states, and the gradual accumulation of long history