进行一年多的煤矿井下工人滑囊炎诊断标准科研工作,于1985年11月5日至9日在重庆市召开总结会议,到会代表三十余人,来自全国煤炭系统的科研,教学与医疗单位.会议由煤炭部卫生处朱跃华处长主持. 五天的会议中,东北、华东、天府矿务局等课题组分别报告了:全国煤矿工人滑囊炎的抽样调查、慢性创伤性滑囊炎囊液理化特性,外伤性滑囊炎的组织病理学,滑囊炎造影的X线诊断,腘窝区域内囊肿的
For more than a year in mine workers bursitis diagnostic criteria for scientific research, in November 5, 1985 to 9 in Chongqing held a wrap-up meeting to the meeting on behalf of more than 30 people from the national coal system research, teaching and Medical unit.The meeting was presided over by Zhu Yuehua, director of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Coal Industry.On the five-day conference, the research groups of Northeast, East China and Tianfu Bureau of Mines respectively reported on the sampling survey of bursitis in coal mines in China, chronic traumatic bursa Physico-chemical properties of inflammatory fluid, histopathology of traumatic bursitis, X-ray diagnosis of bursitis angiography, cyst in the popliteal area