“革命同艰苦 相依不稍疏”——熊瑾玎与朱端绶的诗中情

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熊瑾玎和朱端绶夫妇,湖南长沙人,早年参加革命,1927年大革命失败后曾是中共秘密战线上杰出工作者,以后,几十年如一日,为中国人民的革命和建设事业默默奉献,是中共党内颇有声望的革命老前辈。 周恩来和董必武曾经这样称赞这对革命夫妻说:“熊老和朱端绶同志是一对值得称道的夫妇,也是最让人羡慕的夫妇。”熊瑾玎和朱端绶之所以能获得这样高的评价确非偶然。他们创作的100多首记叙他们毕生革命工作和爱情生活的诗篇,为人们真实而生动地展现了这一对模范夫妻的品德和情操。 Xiong Jin-tao and Zhu Duan-shu couple, Changsha, Hunan, participated in the revolution in their early years. After the failure of the Great Revolution in 1927, they were outstanding workers on the CPC’s secret front. After decades, they silently offered their dedication to the Chinese people’s revolution and construction. Prestigious within the revolutionary old predecessors. Zhou Enlai and Dong Biwu once praised the revolutionary couple as saying: “Comrades Xiong Laochu and Zhu Duanshuang are commendable couples and most enviable couples.” It is no coincidence that Xiong Jintao and Zhu Duanshu have been able to obtain such a high rating. The more than 100 poems that they wrote about their life-long revolutionary work and their love life have vividly demonstrated the morality and sentiments of this model couple.
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