县供销社统一管理折旧基金 提高资金的利用效果

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1985年以来,钟山县供销社的基本建设工作在县联社的统一管理下,充分利用和发挥供销社的群体优势,集中统一安排使用各单位提取的折旧基金搞基本建设,逐步改变了企业营业场所和营业设施陈旧的落后面貌,七年来建成项目十七个,总建筑面积16133.2平方米,解决了营业用房、仓库、办公用房、职工宿舍及其它用房的急需。至1991年底止,全县供销系统固定资产总值已达920万元,比1984年底增加461万元,增长100.40%,为供销社购销业务参与市场竞争创造了良好的扩大条件,壮大经营的物质基础。1991年受到了商业部的表彰。他们在统一管理使用折旧基全,提高资金使用效果的具体做法是: Since 1985, the basic construction work of the supply and marketing cooperatives in Zhongshan County has been fully managed under the unified management of the County Associated Press. By fully utilizing and giving full play to the advantages of the supply and marketing cooperatives, centralized and unified arrangements have been made to capitalize on capital construction using depreciation funds extracted by various units and gradually change the enterprises Seven years have completed 17 projects with a total construction area of ​​16,133.2 square meters and solved the urgent need of business houses, warehouses, office buildings, staff dormitories and other buildings. By the end of 1991, the total fixed assets of the county’s supply and marketing system had reached RMB9.2 million, an increase of RMB4.61 million or 100.40% over the end of 1984, creating good conditions for expanding the participation of the supply and marketing cooperatives in the market competition and expanding the business operations basis. In 1991 by the Ministry of Commerce commended. They are unified management of the use of depreciation based on the specific ways to improve the effectiveness of the use of funds is:
【正】 一、单项选择题1.D 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.D 6.B7.C 8.C 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.C 15.D 16.B 17.C二、多项选择题1.A B C E 2.C D E 3.A BE 4.A D 5.C E 6.A B C E 7.AB
一、单项选择题1.D 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.C二、多项选择题1.B C D E 2.A C 3.B C D 4.A B C 5.A C D 6.A B C 7.A B C三、填空题1.货款结算物资入库2.托收承
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