在全球3G浪潮和N G N建设高涨的今天,更丰富的多媒体新业务与网络融合越来越受人们关注。如何才能更有效地引入和承载不断涌现的新的多媒体业务,在提供各种新业务的同时又能保证网络向全I P的演进呢?I M S作为面向未来网络演进的核心组成部分为我们提供了答案。1IMS给传统NGN带
As the global 3G wave and the construction of N G N rise, richer multimedia new business and network convergence attract more and more attention. How can we bring in and bear new emerging multimedia services more effectively and provide all kinds of new services while ensuring the evolution of the network towards all-IP? IMS as the core component of future network evolution provides us with the answer . 1IMS to the traditional NGN band