平凡的工作 无私的奉献——记宣威县彝族女共产党员、全国金融系统文明优质服务标兵李淑英

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在宣威县阿都乡的约那梁子和底那河畔,人们经常看到一位身着蓝衣服、脚穿解放鞋、背包杵棍、爬山涉水、走村串户的小个子女人。她已经51岁,在阿都乡一带,不论男女老少,都亲切地称呼她“小姑妈”。她就是先后获得宣威县“优秀共产党员”、“曲靖地区女能人”、“三八红旗手”、“云南省农金系统优质服务标兵”、“全国农金系统优秀会计员”、“全国金融系统文明优质服务标兵”等荣誉称号的阿都信用社合庆分社会计李淑英。提到李淑英。当地干部群众无不称赞佩服,她的先进事迹被广为传颂。 走村串户上门服务 阿都是云南省有名的偏僻特困地区,境内除高山陡岭,就是深沟峡谷,自然环境很差。合庆信用分社工作范围的施都、合庆两个行政村的条件更艰苦,地势更险,俗有“鸡都滚得死,喂 People often see a small woman dressed in blue clothes, liberation shoes, backpacks and clubbing sticks, mountain climbing and wading in the village near Jonadabe and Dinah Rivers in Abdu Township, Xuanwei County. She has 51 years old, in Abdul Township area, both men and women, young and old, affectionately call her “little aunt.” She has successively won the titles of “outstanding Communist Party member” of Xuanwei County, “woman capable person in Qujing Region”, “March 8 Hongqi Shou”, “Nongjin Gold System Quality Service Model”, “Outstanding Accountant of National Agricultural System” and “ National financial system of civilized service model ”and other honorary titles of the al-Jazeera credit cooperatives celebrate the branch accounting Li Shuying. Mentioning Li Shuying. Local cadres and the masses all admire admire, her advanced deeds are widely proclaimed. Walking village door-to-door service Albania is well-known in Yunnan Province remote special hard-hit areas, in addition to the mountain steep ridge, is the deep trench canyon, the natural environment is poor. Heqing credit branch of the scope of work Shi, Heqing two administrative villages of the more difficult conditions, the more dangerous terrain, vulgar "chickens are dead,