
来源 :注册税务师 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianyou424
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近年来,党中央、国务院非常重视加强包括注册税务师行业在内的新社会组织和新经济组织的发展。国家税务总局党组对要认真落实好中央关于加强“两新”组织党建、统战工作和推进行业发展的重要指示精神高度重视,要求各级税务机关党组要按照中央的要求,切实承担起对注税行业党建工作、统战工作和行业发展的领导责任,与各项税收工作统筹安排,推动注税行业健康发展。各级国家税务局和地方税务局认真贯彻落实总局党组的要求,进一步加强了对注税行业的领导,依法支持和促进注税行业规范发展。近日,浙江省国税局和浙江省地税局联合下发了《关于进一步支持和促进注册税务师行业规范发展的若干意见》,加大了对注税行业的扶持力度,依法支持注税行业积极开展涉税服务和涉税鉴证业务。这样不仅有利于税务机关加强征管、提高征管质量和效率,而且为浙江省注税行业的发展创造了更有利的执业条件和更良好的执业环境。 In recent years, the Central Party Committee and the State Council have attached great importance to strengthening the development of new social organizations and new economic organizations, including the CTA industry. The party of the State Administration of Taxation attaches great importance to conscientiously fulfilling the important instructions of the Central Government on strengthening the party building and united front work of the “two new” organizations and promoting the development of the industry. It demanded that the party organizations at all levels of taxation organs, in accordance with the requirements of the central authorities, Tax revenue taxation industry party building, united front work and industry development leadership responsibilities, and all tax arrangements for the overall arrangements to promote the healthy development of the tax-note industry. The state tax bureaus and the local tax bureaus at all levels have conscientiously implemented the requirements of the party committees under the State Council, further strengthened their leadership over the tax-paying industry, supported and promoted the standard-setting development of tax-paying industry according to law. Recently, the State Administration of Taxation of Zhejiang Province and Zhejiang Local Taxation Bureau jointly issued "Several Opinions on Further Supporting and Promoting the Development of Registrar Tax Industry and Increasing Support for the Tax Refund Industry, Supporting the Industry of Tax Refund in an Active Way According to Law Tax-related services and tax-related business. This will not only help tax authorities to strengthen the collection and management, improve the quality and efficiency of collection and management, but also create more favorable conditions for practice and a better practice environment for the development of tax-injection industry in Zhejiang Province.
8月16日,由杭州市归国华侨联合会主办、杭州市留学人员和家属联谊会与萧山区归国华侨联合会联合承办的“2018留学全球 创业杭州 报效祖国”杭州市留学生创新创业大赛在杭州湾
信息产业部信息化推进司司长 宋玲    一、电子商务人才培养的紧迫性    目前,企业信息化进程日趋加快,电子商务日益成为企业经营的重要手段。然而,由于人才培养的滞后,人才短缺已成为我国在发展电子商务所面对的诸多问题中最根本、最紧迫的。纵观国内外电子商务教育现状,我们应坚持需求导向、教育先行、学用结合、自主创新的原则,针对不同的对象,分层次、多形式地开展培训工作,这是保证我国电子商务健康快速发展