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20世纪二三十年代,中国文坛百花竟放,孕生了一批著名的文学社团、文学组织和文学派别,产生了一大批有影响力的作家。这些社团、组织和派别包括文学研究会、左联、创造社、语丝社、新月派、湖畔派、鸳鸯蝴蝶派……跻身于不同阵营的著名作家更是数不胜数:鲁迅、茅盾、郭沫若、徐志摩、郁达夫、闻一多、沈从文、林徽因、谢冰心、叶圣陶、冯雪峰、张恨水……这些文学团体、作家和他们的作品,在当时,铸造了文坛的辉煌;在当今,依旧是文学重铸辉煌不可抹去的绚缦底色。本刊摘编孙郁先生在其所著《在民国(修订版)》中介绍新月派的文字,以窥当年文坛风貌之一隅。 In the twenties and thirties of the 20th century, hundreds of famous literary societies, literary organizations and literary schools were born in the literary world of China with a large number of influential writers born. These associations, organizations and factions include the Literature Research Association, the League of Leftist Writers, Chuangshe, Yuanshe, Crescent School, Lake School, and Yuanyang Hudie School. Among the famous writers in different camps, there are countless more: Lu Xun, Mao Dun, Guo Moruo, Xu Zhimo, Yu Dafu, Wen Yiduo, Shen Congwen, Lin Huiyin, Xie Bingxin, Ye Shengtao, Feng Xuefeng and Zhang Henshui ... At the time, these literary groups, writers and their works cast the glory of the literary world; in today, literary recast Brilliant gorgeous color background can not be erased. The magazine excerpts Mr. Sun Yu in his book “in the Republic of China (Revised Edition)” introduces the Crescent faction’s text to peek into the corner of the style of the literary world.
内地与香港的司法协助是一个主权国家之内的区域性司法协助 ,是一个主权国家内部的司法联系。内地各省、市、自治区是与香港进行司法协助的主体 ;司法协助应当坚持“一国两制