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螺杆钻具与PDC钻头组合钻井工艺技术的应用进一步提高了PDC钻头在井底的旋转速度,解决了许多钻井工程上的问题。本文分析了PDC钻头特性,分析了螺杆钻具加PDC钻头钻井技术的应用,对节约钻井成本,提高机械钻速具有重要意义。 The combination of the screw drilling tool and the PDC bit drilling technology further improves the rotation speed of the PDC bit in the bottom hole and solves many problems in the drilling engineering. This paper analyzes the characteristics of PDC bit, analyzes the application of screw drilling tool and PDC bit drilling technology, which has great significance for saving drilling cost and increasing ROP.
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