狼鳗(Anarrhichthys ocellatus)属鲈形目(Perciformes)、狼鳚科(Anarhichadidae)、鳗狼鱼属(Anarrhichthys),俗称狼鳗、眼斑狼鱼、龙鳗等,为冷水性肉食鱼类,广泛分布于太平洋北部海域~([1]),见于日本海、俄罗斯、阿拉斯加南岸、阿留申群岛、美国和加拿大的西海岸甚至北极海,近些年,其自然资源受到了严重破坏,市
The Anarrhichthys ocellatus belongs to the genus Perciformes, Anarhichadidae, Anarrhichthys, commonly known as eel, eye-spot wolf, dragon eel and the like, and is widely used in cold-water carnivorous fish Located in the northern Pacific Ocean ~ ([1]), seen in the Sea of Japan, Russia, Alaska South Bank, the Aleutian Islands, the United States and Canada on the West Coast and even the Arctic Sea. In recent years, its natural resources have been severely damaged, the city