黄虾花( Pachystachys lutea Nees)俗称金苞花,是爵床科( Acanthaceae)的花灌木,有较大观赏价值。用芽和节位作外植体培养的,继代培养试管苗退化较迅速。其它花木继代培养也有类似的退化现象,但有关防止或延缓试管苗退化的研究,尚报道不多。我们从延缓黄虾花试管苗退化的培养条件及其营养和过氧化物酶同工酶的变化上进行了探讨。 村料与方法 一、取材培养和延缓试管苗退化试验 于1985-1987年6-8月份取健壮母树枝条按常规进行无菌操作。切枝条的节位作外植体,接入培养基A [ MS附加6-BA0.5mg/(下略),NAA0.1,蔗糖3%],常规培养。
Pachystachys lutea Nees commonly known as the golden bud flowers, is the family of Acanthaceae (Acanthaceae) flower shrubs, have a greater ornamental value. With bud and node for explant culture, subculture of test tube degenerated more rapidly. Other flowers and trees subculture also have a similar phenomenon of degradation, but the study on preventing or delaying the degeneration of test-tube seedlings has not been reported yet. We explored the culture conditions and nutrition and peroxidase isoenzyme changes of degenerated test-tube plantlets of M. occidentalis. Village materials and methods First, the culture and delaying the test tube degeneration test In 1985 - 1987 from June to August to take healthy mother tree branches according to conventional aseptic operation. The shoots of cutting branches were used as explants and cultured in medium A [MS supplemented with 6-BA 0.5 mg / (omitted), NAA 0.1, sucrose 3%].