
来源 :天涯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bbsdog
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时间是诗的在场。汉语是一种时间语言。字是无时间的显相,字不变,笔画的构件组合不变,但其含义、个人的书写风格是有时间的,含义、笔画的具体书写只是在有时间中逗留,暂定,含义总是在阴阳变易中。字就像“无时间”的符号化。汉语不是向前看或向后看的,而是在场的。每一个字都既是历史的,又是非历史的。汉语与概念语言不同,汉语的时间就在语言自身中。每个字就像钟摆,意义总是在上下文的组合变化中滋生。我认为在中国,诗歌、书法等艺术都是时间艺术,这是中国文明最伟大最核心的东西。 Time is the presence of poetry. Chinese is a time language. The word is time without apparent, the same word, the composition of the same stroke, but its meaning, personal style of writing is time, meaning, the specific writing stroke only in time to stay, tentative, meaning total In the yin and yang change easily. Words are like “no time” symbolization. Chinese is not looking forward or looking back, but is present. Every word is both historical and non-historical. Chinese is different from conceptual language, Chinese time is in language itself. Each word is like a pendulum, the meaning is always in the context of the combination of changes in breeding. I think in China, poetry, calligraphy and other arts are all time art, which is the greatest and most central thing in Chinese civilization.
随着城市化进程,城市逐渐从中心城区向郊区和农村扩展,形成了城乡地域体系基础上衍生的新型过渡性区域-城乡结合地带,这一地区也是土地利用和规划建设的薄弱地带。 本文结合