人工晶体是采用人工合成材料制成的光学透镜,它的形状、屈光力和功能都类似人眼的晶状体。在白内障摘除后,把光学透镜放到眼内晶状体原来的后房位置,使物体影像能够聚焦在视网膜上,看清周围的物像,这就叫做人工晶体植入。 如果病人一只眼患有白内障,当这只眼进行白内障手术摘除后,就必须要配戴远视镜片才能提高视力,而如果另一只眼视力正常的话,则造成了双眼过大的屈光参差,看东
Intraocular lenses are made of synthetic materials, optical lenses, its shape, power and function similar to the human eye lens. After the cataract extraction, the optical lens into the lens of the original posterior chamber of the lens position, so that the object image can be focused on the retina, see the surrounding objects, which is called intraocular lens implantation. If the patient has cataracts in one eye, when the eye is removed after cataract surgery, it is necessary to wear myopia lenses to improve vision, and if the other eye is normal, then the eyes caused by excessive anisometropia Look east