《生死抉择》是一部振聋发聩的反腐倡廉力作 ,具有很强的思想震撼力和艺术感染力。影片充分揭露了我国当前社会历史条件下腐败现象的新特点 ,深刻揭示了反腐败是一场关系到党和国家生死存亡的斗争 ,给了人们深刻的警示 :反腐败任重道远 ,反腐败务必从严治党 ,反腐败要靠法制。我们一定要增强责任感、使命感和紧迫感 ,按照“三个代表”的要求 ,坚定不移地抓好党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争。
“Choice of life and death” is a deafening anti-corruption work, with strong ideological shock and artistic appeal. The film fully exposed the new features of the corruption in our country under the current social and historical conditions and profoundly revealed that fighting against corruption is a struggle that affects the survival of the party and our country. It has given people a profound warning that there must be a long way to go before anti-corruption and strict control over corruption The party must rely on the rule of law to fight corruption. We must enhance our sense of responsibility, sense of mission and urgency. In accordance with the requirements of the “three represents,” we must unswervingly grasp the building of a clean government and the fight against corruption.