李小可,1944年生,江苏省徐州人, 1973年起,开始随父李可染学习山水画,1979年进入北京画院。1985年至1987年入中央美术学院国画系研修,并参加日本画家加山又造先生举办的研修班。现为国家一级美术师,中国美术家协会会员,中国摄影家协会会员,北京画院专职画家,北京画院艺委会主任,李可染艺术基金会副理事长,黄山书画院院长。近年创作的水墨家园主题的北京风韵系列、西藏印象系列、名山风光系列,受到学术界、收藏界的关注。
Li Xiao Ke, born in 1944, Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, since 1973, started his father Li Keran learning landscape painting, in 1979 into the Beijing Art Academy. From 1985 to 1987, he studied in the Department of Chinese Painting at the Central Academy of Fine Arts and participated in the workshop held by Japanese painter Kazan Yamashita. Now he is a national artist, a member of Chinese Artists Association, a member of China Photographers Association, a full-time painter of Beijing Art Academy, an art director of Beijing Art Academy, a vice chairman of Li Keran Art Foundation, and a dean of Huangshan Calligraphy and Painting Academy. In recent years, the theme of the ink painting home Beijing Charm Series, Impression of Tibet series, famous scenery series, subject to academic and collectors attention.