Current status of bacteriological parameters and DOC/POC in Xiamen coastal waters

来源 :海洋学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mynameisfish
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The surface and bottom waters samples were collected from six locations in Xiamen west-em sea. The quantified estimation of bacterial production (3H-thymidine method) and observation ofbacterial heterotrophic activity (14C-glucose method) have been made in order to have a better under-standing of the role of marine bacteria and their activities. The results showed that the mean value ofbacterial heterotrophic activity was 9 × 108 cells/(L. h) in the surface waters and 2.6 × 108 cells/( L. h)in the bottom waters. The mean value of bacterial production was 38 × 108 cells/( L. h) in the surfacewaters and 7.1 × 108 cells/(L.h) in the bottom waters. The relationship between bacterial production,heterotrophic activity, POC and DOC measured during this survey were discussed. The good under-standing of the relationship between bacteria activity and total coliform was addressed.
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