目的研究乌鲁木齐市(简称乌市)院前急救流行病学特征,为进一步完善院前急救工作,构建合理的院前急救体系提供参考。方法从乌市急救中心指挥系统数据库中调取2011-2015年所有接警数据和患者病历信息,采用ICD-10对疾病编码,应用χ2检验、Fisher确切概率法等对比组间发病率、构成比的差异。结果在5年间的1 270 980次受理呼救中,夏季发病64 639例(26.39%),时点分布以10:00~12:00最高,发生27 872例(11.4%);疾病谱排名前5位的是创伤、心脑血管疾病、中毒、神经系统和呼吸系统;在238 661次有效派车中,沙依巴克区最高,共65 377次(26.69%);院前急救疾病发病率为3 180.93/10万,男女性别比为1.53∶1,男性发病率为3 714.62/10万,显著高于女性发病率2 608.09/10万,RR值为1.42(χ~2=7 176.071,P<0.01);≥35岁年龄组患者最多为180 271例(73.6%),各年龄段疾病构成(χ~2=52 316.957,P<0.01)和发病率(χ~2=28 052.723,P<0.01)差异均有统计学意义。结论乌市2011-2015年院前急救疾病呈现出以创伤和心脑血管为主、夏季高发、男性发病率高于女性、≥35岁为高发人群等特点,相关部门应合理配置急救资源、提高医护救治水平、建立完善的院前急救体系。
Objective To study the epidemiological features of prehospital emergency aid in Urumqi (Urumqi), and to provide reference for further improving the pre-hospital emergency work and establishing a reasonable pre-hospital emergency system. Methods All the alarm data and patient records from 2011 to 2015 were retrieved from the command system database of Urumqi First Aid Center. The ICD-10 was used to identify the disease, the Chi-square test and Fisher exact test were used to compare the morbidity, difference. Results In 1 270,980 calls during 5 years, 64 639 cases (26.39%) were reported in summer, with a time distribution reaching the highest at 10: 00-12: 00, with 27 872 (11.4%) cases and the top 5 Among the 238 661 effective vehicles, the highest in Shayibake District was 65 377 (26.69%). The incidence of pre-hospital emergency care was 3 180.93 / 10, male to female ratio was 1.53:1, male incidence was 3714.62 / 100000, which was significantly higher than female incidence of 2 608.09 / 100000, RR was 1.42 (χ ~ 2 = 7 176.071, P <0.01 ), And the highest incidence was 180 271 cases (73.6%) in the group of ≥35 years old. The incidence of disease (χ ~ 2 = 52 316.957, P <0.01) and morbidity (χ2 = 28 052.723, The differences were statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Pre-hospital emergency medical emergencies in Urumqi from 2011 to 2015 are mainly characterized by trauma, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, high incidence in summer, higher incidence of males than females and ≥35 years of age. Relevant departments should rationally allocate first-aid resources and improve Medical care and treatment level, establish and improve the pre-hospital emergency system.