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矿产资源法学属于部门法范畴,是民法学、行政法学和经济法学相互融合的产物,是自然资源法学的一个分支。矿产资源法学与矿产资源法既有区别又有联系。矿产资源法学包括矿产资源法的内涵、体系、效力和实施等内容。矿产资源法具有大陆法体系的特征,国际上看,世界上绝大多数国家采用的是矿业法;历史上看,我国矿产资源法与历史传统渐行渐远。在矿法定位上宜坚持《资源法》定位,其下一步修订内容包括增设“矿产资源保护”一章,以及完善“矿业权”“地质资料和矿产资源储量”“地质环境保护”“矿产资源税费”等方面。 Law of mineral resources belongs to the category of departmental law, which is the result of the integration of civil law, administrative law and economic law, and is a branch of natural resources law. Mineral resources law and mineral resources law both the distinction and connection. Mineral resources law includes the connotation, system, effectiveness and implementation of mineral resources law. The mineral resources law has the characteristics of civil law system. Internationally, most countries in the world adopt the mining law. Historically, the law of mineral resources in our country has been drifting away from the historical tradition. In the mining law positioning should adhere to the “resource law” positioning, the next revision includes the creation of “mineral resources protection” chapter, as well as the improvement of “mining rights”, “geological data and mineral resources reserves” Geological and Environmental Protection “” mineral resources tax "and so on.
在当前社会转型、社会矛盾复杂化的大背景下,行政审判中长期存在的当事人不愿告、法官不愿审、群众“信访不信法”等问题更加凸显,这是人民法院面临的严峻问题。$$ 河南省信