崔国政是首都戒严部队某团炮兵营榴炮2连战士,吉林省辉南县人,满族,1968年1月出生,1987年1月入伍,下士军衔。在6月3日、4日平息反革命暴乱中,他用他自己的血肉之躯表明,他不愧为一名共和国的忠诚卫士、不愧为我们当代最可爱的人! 1989年6月2日,在进京执行戒严任务的前一天,崔国政把一身舍不得穿的新军装洗得干干净净,叠得板板实实,他对战友说,到北京执勤时再穿这身军装,给首都人民留下一个军容整洁的好印象……然而,国政这一纯洁而美好的愿望,却被一小撮
Cui Guozheng is a corps of the capital martial law troops artillery battalion howitzer 2 fighters, Huinan County, Jilin Province, Manchu, born in January 1968, enlisted in January 1987, Corporal rank. In the pacification of the counterrevolutionary riots on June 3 and 4, he used his own flesh and blood to show that he deserves to be the loyal defender of the republic and deserves to be the most lovely person of our time. On June 2, 1989, at On the day before he went to Beijing to carry out martial law, Cui Guozheng cleaned up a new uniforms that could not bear to be worn. He said to his comrades-in arms, The next good neatness and a good impression ... However, the purity and good wishes of the state government, but by a handful