Title: Silent Director: Yan Jiangang Screenwriter: Gao Mantong Starring: Hu Jun, Zuo Xiaoqing, Zhao Lixin, Liu Wei, Gao Ming, Zheng Hao, Li Xinmin Type: New Perspective Modern Guo’an Anti-espionage Episode: 34 Broadcast Date / Channel: April 29 / CCTV 8 sets May 8 / Jiangsu TV “big” something to “small ” to do “at the silent office” This drama is a national security drama, you will first think of Is involved in the case of spy war & anti-spyware, followed by the drama broke the prime time television station does not interfere with the case of the practice. “National Security Play ” the full name of the National Security Agency anti-espionage drama, which is different from the public security drama, but also different from the general spy war drama, and general sense spy war drama has a great