近年来,在国家宏观政策的影响下,一些大型集团企业投资并购的规模速度逐年增长。在并购浪潮中,集团企业通过与银行建立战略合作关系,获得了大量资金与业务上的支持,银企之间的战略合作已成为集团企业快速发展的推进器。目前,大多数集团企业与主要合作银行签订了全面战略合作协议,根据笔者的工作经验,在与银行签订合作协议时,应重点关注以下几个方面:(一)资金管理方面随着企业 ERP 系统的逐步完善及银行信息系统的同步升级,银行在企业管理信息化战略中所承担的角色也发生了
In recent years, under the influence of the state’s macroeconomic policies, the scale of investment and mergers and acquisitions by some large-scale group enterprises has been increasing year by year. In the tide of mergers and acquisitions, the group enterprises obtained a lot of capital and business support through the establishment of strategic cooperation with the banks. The strategic cooperation between banks and enterprises has become a propeller for the rapid development of the group enterprises. At present, most group companies have signed comprehensive strategic cooperation agreements with major cooperative banks. According to the author’s work experience, when signing cooperation agreements with banks, the following aspects should be focused on: (1) As for the management of funds, as the enterprise ERP system The gradual improvement of the bank information system and the simultaneous upgrade, the bank’s role in business management information strategy also took place