据海军技术网报道,亨廷顿英格尔斯工业公司(HII)在其纽波特纽斯造船厂完成了美国海军最新弗吉尼亚级核动力潜艇印第安纳号(Indiana,SSN 789)的下水任务。这是这艘排水量7800吨的潜艇在詹姆士河成功下水之前,首次离开建造现场被运往浮船坞。之后它被送至造船厂潜艇码头后将完成最后的舾装、试验和给船员颁发合格证书。印第安纳号是第8艘纽波特纽斯造船厂交付美国海军的弗吉尼亚级潜艇。
According to the Naval Technology Network, Huntington Ingels Industrial Company (HII) completed the launching of the Indiana’s newest Virginia-grade nuclear-powered submarine Indiana (SSN 789) at its Newport Newsyard shipyard. This is the first time that the submarine, which has a displacement of 7,800 tons, left the construction site and was transported to the floating dock before the success of the James River. After it was delivered to the shipyard submarine terminal will be completed the final outfitting, testing and certification issued to the crew. The Indiana is the eighth-generation Newport News shipyard to deliver the U.S. Navy’s Virginia-class submarine.