A review of the studies on greenhouse gases in the ice cores at the northern and southern poles and in the middle and low latitudes shows that during the period from 1000a BP to the industrial revolution, the concentration of greenhouse gases such as CO2, CH4 and N2O in the atmosphere and the stable gas isotopes The natural sources have a significant impact, the average content is low and the concentration fluctuation is also small. After the industrial revolution, with the aggravating environmental impact of human activities such as agriculture and industry, the content of three kinds of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere shows a sharp upward trend. According to the fourth IPCC assessment report in 2007, the average global atmospheric CO2, CH4 and N2O concentrations reached 379 mL · m-3, 1774 μL · m-3 and 319 μL · m-3, respectively, Greenland and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau ice core content of greenhouse gases Summary of factors found that due to the different temperature, impurity content and other conditions, the larger differences in greenhouse gas content area .1800A.D ago, Greenland ice core CO2 content Compared with the Antarctic ice core, the average content of CH4 in Dasuopu ice core is 15% -20% higher than that in the Antarctic ice core, and the N2O content in the Greenland ice core is also significantly higher than that in the Antarctic ice The highest value. After the Industrial Revolution, the concentration of the gas in three kinds of ice cores show a strong upward trend, and reached 1000A.D. Since.