龙爪槐是常见的观赏树种,可呈现在我面前的这些造型独特、寓意深刻的“三蓬绿茵”、“二龙攀柱”实属罕见。常见的龙爪槐只有一个树冠平面,而这里的龙爪槐具有两个或三个树冠平面。面对这几百株如此奇特造型的龙爪槐,我异常兴奋,更没想到,它们是由一位年已七旬的老农谭寿鹏培育而成的。 现任河北省馆陶县古建园林绿
Longhuhuai is a common ornamental tree species, can be presented in front of me these unique shape, a profound meaning of the “three Peng green”, “Erlongshanzhu” is rare. The common locust tree has only one crown plane, whereas the locust tree has two or three canopy planes. In the face of these hundreds of such strange shapes of Longhuhuai, I was very excited, but I did not expect that they were nurtured by an old peasant Tan Shou-peng. Guantao County, Hebei Province, the ancient gardening green