1955年玛丽莲·梦露拍过一部片子,叫“七年之痒”,说男女婚姻到了第七年,往往是发生变节的高峰时期。此后,“X年之痒”就被用来形容经年平淡之后的意外变化。1993年3月,Intel推出Pentium芯片,“Intel Insise”成为业界响当当的品牌标志;10年后的今天,Intel再次打出“Centrino Inside”的招牌,其中的主角“Centrino”,就是它酝酿多时的“变节”产物——迅驰。
In 1955, Marilyn Monroe made a film entitled “The Seven-Year Itch,” saying that the seventh year between the marriage of men and women is often the peak of a revolt. Since then, “X Year itch” was used to describe the accidental changes after years of blandness. In March 1993, Intel launched the Pentium chip, “Intel Insise” became the industry’s flagship brand logo; 10 years later, Intel once again played “Centrino Inside” signs, one of the protagonist “Centrino”, is it brewing for a long time “ Offensive ”product - Centrino.