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滨南社区胜滨幼儿园以不断提升幼教水平为目标,以特色办园为主攻方向,结合幼儿心智发育特点,综合运用艺术教育中激发审美情趣、体验审美愉悦和发挥创新潜能的作用,大力实施以美术教育为载体的特色教育,创出了特色教学的优异成绩。开展特色教育六年来,先后有2000余幅作品获省级以上奖励,幼儿园 Binnan community Shengbin Kindergarten to continuously improve the level of education as the goal, with the characteristics of the park as the main direction, combined with the characteristics of children’s mental development, comprehensive use of art education to stimulate aesthetic taste, aesthetic experience and to play the role of innovation potential, and vigorously implement the Art education as the carrier of special education, creating a distinctive teaching excellence. In the six years of carrying out featured education, there have been more than 2,000 works awarded by the provincial level or above, kindergartens
教师是教育学生的第一责任人,尤其是班主任,肩负着学生班级管理的第一要务,不仅是班级的管理者,更是每个学生的教育者。师生关系是否和谐,直接关系着和谐班级的构建。建立和谐的师生关系有以下几点:  一、教师要热爱教育,更要关心学生  师爱和教育有着密切的关系,是教师在教育实践中凝集的一种教育情操。教师要真心真情地关爱学生,充分尊重、信任学生,人格上以平等的态度对待每一个学生。教师要以高尚的人格影响学生,