
来源 :物流技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:obzz
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通过对第三方物流企业雇员间人际关系和工作满意度的调查分析,了解雇员间人际关系如何影响工作满意度,并提出建议以供企业决策参考。采用任意抽样法抽样,问卷调查法收集数据;使用描述分析法、相关分析法、简单回归分析法分析数据。得出结果:第三方物流企业雇员的沟通满意度和公平感不高,冲突时有发生,雇员工作满意度一般。雇员间沟通满意度、雇员公平感的提高会提升工作满意度。雇员间冲突的发生将负面影响工作满意度。第三方物流企业应注意培养团队精神,提高协作水平;制定合理奖罚政策,公平对待员工;恰当处理冲突,打造和谐团队。 Through the investigation and analysis of interpersonal relationships and job satisfaction among employees of third-party logistics enterprises, it is necessary to understand how interpersonal relationships among employees affect job satisfaction and make recommendations for business decision-making. Using random sampling method, questionnaire survey data collection; use of descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, simple regression analysis of the data. The conclusion is that the communication satisfaction and fairness of employees in the third-party logistics enterprises are not high, conflicts occur from time to time, job satisfaction of employees is average. Satisfaction among employees and employee equity will improve job satisfaction. The occurrence of conflicts between employees will negatively affect job satisfaction. Third-party logistics enterprises should pay attention to cultivate team spirit and improve the level of collaboration; develop a reasonable reward and punishment policy, fair treatment of employees; properly handle conflicts and create a harmonious team.
非典型肺炎又称严重急性呼吸综合征(SevereAcute Resperatory Syndrom),简称SARS,是由新型变异的冠状病毒感染所引起的一种以肺部感染病变为主要特征的新型传染病.